In passenger and cargo transportation, the license requirement is replaced by the permit requirement

In passenger and cargo transportation, the license requirement is replaced by the permit requirement

In passenger and cargo transportation, the license requirement is replaced by the permit requirement

Those who provide passenger and cargo transportation services by road transport in Azerbaijan will have to obtain a permit.

This is reflected in the draft law on changes to the law "On Motor Vehicle Transport" submitted to the Milli Majlis.

Those permissions are as follows;

- International cargo and non-regular transportation license issued to operators to carry out road transport between Azerbaijan and foreign countries;

- Release certificate for domestic ordered shipments:

- Permit for passenger transportation by taxi passenger cars:

- Permission to operate a taxi booking operator:

Thus, the license requirement for passenger and cargo transportation is replaced by the permit requirement.

Those who provide passenger and cargo transportation services by road transport in Azerbaijan will have to obtain a permit.

This is reflected in the draft law on changes to the law "On Motor Vehicle Transport" submitted to the Milli Majlis.

Those permissions are as follows;

- International cargo and non-regular transportation license issued to operators to carry out road transport between Azerbaijan and foreign countries;

- Release certificate for domestic ordered shipments:

- Permit for passenger transportation by taxi passenger cars:

- Permission to operate a taxi booking operator:

Thus, the license requirement for passenger and cargo transportation is replaced by the permit requirement.